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ketchy toonz logo created back in late 80s, early 90s. penciled on bristol, finished with india ink/rapidograph on vellum. submitted these to a popular rag called Creative Loafing and told the editor he could publish them for free, and dude actually laughed at, and berated me, saying mockingly "these are just not funny." apparently his diatribe was, as he laughed at his own venom and my mediocrity. i agree that some of these are just stupid, but so what? they're cartoons, not a doctoral thesis. Asimov wrote despairingly of his own experience with some print publishers, citing a level of disregard and discourtesy unfound anywhere else in the arts. ever hear of George R. R. Martin? Game of Thrones ring a bell? well, story goes, as the good Doctor Isaac writes, that there was a book/magazine publisher named George R. Martin, who was so nasty and hated that the aformentioned author of the same name actually added a second R so that he wouldn't ever be confused with his wretched namesake. know what? fuck that guy at Creative Loathing.

here's all of them, funny or not.

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